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A Look at Downtown Sacramento Despite Covid-19 Shelter in Home Directive

Caption: Downtown residents enjoying a Saturday Spring morning despite the shelter in home directive due to (Covid-19) Coronavirus.

Caption: Downtown residents enjoying a Saturday Spring morning despite the shelter in home directive due to (Covid-19) Coronavirus.

All images © Ryan Angel Meza/ Ryan Angel Studio

(For usage and licensing, contact Info@RyanAngelStudio.com.)

Today, March 21, 2020 marks the first Saturday since the City of Sacramento issued a shelter in home directive starting Friday March 20 at 12:00am. Link to County Website.

“As of March 19, 2020, at 11:59 p.m., the Sacramento County Health Officer is directing all individuals living in the county to stay at their place of residence except for essential activities. The legal order is based on the same directives of social distancing issued this week to slow the transmission of the disease, but it provides more detail and enforcement ability. The legal order limits activity, travel and business functions to only the most essential needs and is intended to protect those most vulnerable to the disease, slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, and preserve local healthcare capacity.

The intent of this Order is to ensure that the maximum number of people self-isolate in their places of residence to the maximum extent feasible, while enabling essential services to continue, to slow the spread of COVID-19 to the maximum extent possible.”

Justin Long wears a face mask as he participates in a pick up game of basketball at Roosevelt Park, downtown Sacramento. Saturday, March 21, 2020 © Ryan Angel Meza | All Rights Reserved

Justin Long wears a face mask as he participates in a pick up game of basketball at Roosevelt Park, downtown Sacramento. Saturday, March 21, 2020 © Ryan Angel Meza | All Rights Reserved

“I’m wearing a mask because of Spring allergies and I don’t want anyone to think I have the virus so I wear a mask so people don’t freak out that I’m sneezing.” -Justin Long © Ryan Angel Meza | All Rights Reserved. Saturday, March 21, 2020.

“I’m wearing a mask because of Spring allergies and I don’t want anyone to think I have the virus so I wear a mask so people don’t freak out that I’m sneezing.” -Justin Long © Ryan Angel Meza | All Rights Reserved. Saturday, March 21, 2020.

Joe Roberts also wears extra protection, a simple headscarf and a pair of vinyl gloves, so he can play basketball with his friends at Roosevelt Park, downtown Sacramento. © Ryan Angel Meza | All Rights Reserved.

Joe Roberts also wears extra protection, a simple headscarf and a pair of vinyl gloves, so he can play basketball with his friends at Roosevelt Park, downtown Sacramento. © Ryan Angel Meza | All Rights Reserved.

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Ryan Angel Studio | Ryan Angel Meza-9549.jpg
Downtown Sacramento. Covid 19 Coronavirus. © Ryan Angel Meza | All Rights Reserved

Downtown Sacramento. Covid 19 Coronavirus. © Ryan Angel Meza | All Rights Reserved

Gabby Peralta says she is forced to workout outdoors since the gym she attends has closed their facility due to Covid-19 measures. © Ryan Angel Meza | All Rights Reserved.

Gabby Peralta says she is forced to workout outdoors since the gym she attends has closed their facility due to Covid-19 measures. © Ryan Angel Meza | All Rights Reserved.

Downtown Sacramento. Covid 19 Coronavirus. © Ryan Angel Meza | All Rights Reserved

Downtown Sacramento. Covid 19 Coronavirus. © Ryan Angel Meza | All Rights Reserved