WPPI 2020: A
Meeting all the LEGENDS!
Nikon’s Main Stage at WPPI 2020 expo in Las Vegas, NV. © Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
WPPI 2020 was my first major photography conference I have ever attended and surely I am regretting not having gone sooner!! SERIOUSLY!! For the past 10+ years of practicing the craft, I looked up to photographers like Joe McNally, Joel Grimes, Lara Jade, Lindsay Adler, Jerry Ghionis followed by new sources of inspiration like Brooke Shaden, John Gress, Chris Knight, Chris Orwig, Gary Hughes and Pye Jirsa. Well, they were ALL THERE!! I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe how much their physical presence would mean to me. Going to WPPI allowed me to meet all of my idols!
“Going to WPPI allowed me to meet ALL of my IDOLS!”
WPPI 2020: What is WPPI?
For those of you who have never heard of this conference before, it’s short for Wedding and Portrait Photography International. This year it was held at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, NV on February 23 - 27. Next year it will be held March 7 - 11 at Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas and I certainly can’t wait for it.
“For five days each year, wedding, event and portrait photographers and videographers come together in Las Vegas to be inspired. Be a part of this remarkable community – evolve your aesthetic, gain invaluable strategies to grow your business, connect with friends, be dazzled by stories from industry icons and create lasting memories.” Source: wppiexpo.com
Side note: A word to the coordinators and producers of WPPI, Mandalay Bay was an excellent place to have it. It was super convenient to other hotels and has a direct connection (either by tram or through-hotel-passage ways) from Luxor and Excalibur which I happened to stay at.
Hotel Suggestion
To those wanting to attend in the future, look for hotels that have food credits. Almost every hotel, if not all, charges a “resort fee” and not every hotel provides a meal credit. However, at Excalibur, they provide their guests with a $15 food credit which I happily used at Vagabond Restaurant inside the hotel. They also have a variety of food options inside such as Pizza Hut, Bucca, Popeyes (and yes I tried their spicy chicken sandwich for the first time and the hype is REAL), Dick’s Restaurant, and my favorite dessert spot—DQ!
At WPPI, they have a variety of breakout classes which include free ones (Platform) and add-on’s (for extra $$). Being that it was my first experience to attend, I wanted to see if I could get the most out of just the Platform classes and my conclusion was HELL YES! Next year, I will try the Summit Class for sure because it just looked amazing just by looking at the Instagram posts of those that attended. Here is a link to the various class options and schedules from this year.
Peter Hurley presenting at a Platform class at the WPPI conference in Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas (NV) on Monday, February 24, 2020.
© Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Sean Lara, MagMod Ambassador, performing a demonstration for his photowalk on the Vegas strip on Monday, February 24, 2020.
© Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Sean Lara, MagMod Ambassador, performing a demonstration for his photowalk on the Vegas strip on Monday, February 24, 2020.
© Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Lindsay Adler signing a book for a WPPI conference attendee. © Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Nikon’s guest speaker stage and gear booth at the WPPI 2020 Exposition. © Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Joel Grimes recording an interview during WPPI’s expo on Tuesday, February 25, 2020. © Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Profoto booth at WPPI’s expo on Tuesday, February 25, 2020. © Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Profoto booth at WPPI’s expo on Tuesday, February 25, 2020. © Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Joe McNally speaking in front of a crowd at WPPI’s expo on Tuesday, February 25, 2020. © Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Below: Chloe Ramirez, Sacramento Native and Nikon Ambassador | Photographing the Feeling, Emotive Couples
The expo floor - WPPI 2020. © Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Will Cadena, Westcott Brand Ambassador, performing a lighting demonstration at WPPI’s expo on Tuesday, February 25, 2020.
© Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Will Cadena, Westcott Brand Ambassador, performing a lighting demonstration at WPPI’s expo on Tuesday, February 25, 2020.
© Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
BayPhoto vendor booth at WPPI 2020 expo. Tuesday, February 25, 2020. © Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Chris Orwig, Sony Artisans of Imagery Ambassador, performing a (Lightroom) demonstration at WPPI’s platform class on Wednesday, February 26, 2020. © Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Fashion photographer Lara Jade on Canon’s main stage at WPPI expo. Wednesday, February 26, 2020. © Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Fuji booth at WPPI expo 2020. © Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Vanessa Joy, luxury wedding photographer, at the Canon main stage at WPPI expo, Wednesday February 26, 2020.
© Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Daniel Woods demonstrating how he uses LED continuous lights called Stella Lights by Light & Motion.
“Making it rain ($$$), while making it rain.” - Daniel Woods. February 26, 2020.
© Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Expo attendees were able to sign up for a brief photography group session with models while using Stella Lights by Light & Motion.
© Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
Scott Robert Lim (middle), Internationally Acclaimed Master Photographer and Sony Artisan. © Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
John Gress, Platform Speaker at WPPI 2020. February 26, 2020.
© Ryan Angel Meza | RyanAngelMeza.com
For more behind the scenes, check out my Instagram stories @RyanAngelStudio.
John Kabateck | State Director | NFIB - National Federation of Independent Business | Outtakes for Comstock Magazine - November Issue
If you’re looking to create digital content (photography or video) for your organization or business, please send your inquiry to Info@RyanAngelStudio.com.
Also, check out my new website at RyanAngelMeza.com
Jonathan Porteus | CEO WellSpace Health
If you’re looking to create digital content (photography or video) for your organization or business, please send your inquiry to Info@RyanAngelStudio.com.
Also, check out my new website at RyanAngelMeza.com
Brian King | Chancellor for Los Rios Community College | Comstock Magazine - August 2019
If you’re looking to create digital content (photography or video) for your organization or business, please send your inquiry to Info@RyanAngelStudio.com.
Also, check out my new website at RyanAngelMeza.com
Shawn Tillman | Economic Development Manager for City of Lincoln, CA | Outtakes for Comstock Magazine, April Issue
If you’re looking to create digital content (photography or video) for your organization or business, please send your inquiry to Info@RyanAngelStudio.com.
Also, check out my new website at RyanAngelMeza.com
Recent published work for The Wall Street Journal | January 22, 2019 [online], January 23, 2019 [print]. Super excited to work with @WSJ again and ecstatic to finally meet and photograph Shasta Smith from The Vintage Monkey located in downtown Sacramento.
Recent published work for Sacramento Magazine - February 2019 issue featuring Janelle Hanchett and family. She is the author of “I’m Just Happy To Be Here” and successful blogger of Renegade Mothering.
“Thanks Ryan! You are the rockstar who created the container for magic to happen—I just got to show up and play in that space.”
Here is a recent project I got to work on for Jen who was looking for visuals to use on her business websites and social media. These are just a few samples from our session together.
Gear: Nikon D800, Nikon 35 1.4, Profoto B2
© Ryan Angel Studio/ Ryan Angel Meza 2018 | Sacramento, CA
Talent: Sarah Davis | Sacramento, CA | © Ryan Angel Studio
Recent published work with The Wall Street Journal featuring Sacramento nurses Dian Baker (left) and Barbara Quinn (right).
Studio Test with Manny | Scout Models | San Francisco, CA
Need some fresh headshots for your portfolio, book us by visiting our website.
Excited to introduce our new studio backdrop for headshots!
Reserve your headshot today by heading to our website.
Testing out the Hasselblad 500 cm. Scanned with Epson v800. Sacramento, CA. | © Ryan Angel Studio
Recent Published Work | Sacramento Magazine February 2018 | © Ryan Angel Studio 2018
Michael Pople | Fit Kitchen Food | Loomis, CA ©Ryan Angel Studio
Fit Kitchen Food
M E A L P R E P & C A T E R I N G
Recently I was able to connect with Michael Pople, owner of Fit Kitchen Food (Meal Prep and Catering). He was actually helping me on a personal project that requires me to photograph portraits using a 4x5 film (large format) camera. I couldn't resist but to also take a few digital snapshots as well since the outdoor lighting was awesome that day. I'll post the film shots as soon as I can develop and scan them. Until then, check out some of the similar scenes we shot in (gallery below).
Above: The black and white images are 4x5 film scans.
Camera: Large Format (4x5) Film: Ilford HP5 400
As of late, driving on "J" Street has been a part of my daily routine. With the morning traffic slowing things down a bit, it allows the opportunity to see--the people that (literally) live on the grid (the homeless).
Despite recent revitalization efforts of the downtown area, it still leaves the question of how or where can the homeless seek refuge? What types of aide or assistance can community leaders come up with to help the less fortunate? How and what can our community do to provide some relief especially during the cold and rainy weather?
Please note that I am not here to exploit the homeless to gain any attention whatsoever for my photography work. [In fact] If you recall my recent Facebook post about a guy name Rick who walked into the Starbucks and gave everyone $20 Starbucks (app reload), it simply made everyone's day (including mine since I was having a miserable 2 weeks).
So, in the spirit of "Paying Forward," I decided to meet this interesting fella whom I took note of everyday because he would always be doing some type of exercise as I drove by on J, in the same spot everyday, between 11th and 12th street.
"I enjoy art and like to read spy books."
- John
So, as I pulled over to the closest parking meter to his location, I pretended initially that I was there to park and go about my day. However, I still said "hello" to him! Then, he joyously said hello back as if we had known each other for quite some time. [And] Given how most people tread swiftly pass homeless people, I was expecting that John would ask me if I had any loose change but he didn't.
As I proceeded to put in the last quarter, I told John that I was actually there to meet him and simply enjoy some coffee! Who doesn't love a nice warm cup of coffee during a chilly-sunny day!
Contrary to the great afternoon vibe, a reality of what John faces everyday occurred and I became a witness of. It's the scary fact that other homeless individuals [who look like drug-users] harass and steal from him constantly. I had just bought John some water, a gatorade, a banana and a bag of nuts from the corner store close by and this other dude walks up to us and tries to steal his gatorade and banana. I told him to leave it alone and that it belonged to John. I proceeded to call 911 and he took note of that so he left.
I learned a lot about John today but most importantly I learned a lot about the experience itself. Most shockingly, I took note that he didn't ask me once for money! I guess he just enjoyed the companionship. Perhaps, it's because he doesn't have any family or even friends to seek help from, much less have a meaningful conversation with. Learning this from my experience, I hope you too can reach out to people like John and just enjoy a cup of coffee!
Dia De Los Muertos | Day of the Dead | Sacramento, CA October 28, 2017
Art Barrera | Musician | Sacramento, CA
© Ryan Angel Studio | www.RyanAngelStudio.com
northern california exploration (travel photography)
I'm currently shooting with a 4x5 film camera and these are some digital images shot during my exploration. I will scan my film negatives soon and post them on here when I get a chance.
Check out some of my other landscape photography here.
ACTOR: shelby elder | sacramento, ca
What a delight it was to photograph Shelby! I am super excited about this gal's future! She is currently taking acting lessons locally and because of the time she's put into her craft, you can definitely see the confidence in her eyes. She hopes to one day star in tv shows like the Gilmore Girls, Shameless, This is Us and of course Grey's Anatomy (duuuuh)!!
If you're looking to build your portfolio for modeling/acting, let us help you create the best images!! If you're new to modeling and consider yourself timid, we can coach you throughout the process. Fill out our CONTACT page for booking and information.
This past weekend I photographed Ben for his second round of talent (actor) headshots. I told him to bring his A-game and boy did he!! I think a lot of his new-found-confidence is from taking acting classes using the Meisner technique at the Meisner Technique Studio in the Bay Area. As a matter of fact, this is something I preach and recommend highly to all talent, both actors and models, because it really elevates your confidence and smoothness being in front of the camera.
If you're looking to build your portfolio for modeling/acting, let us help you create the best images!! If you're new to modeling and consider yourself timid, we can coach you throughout the process. Fill out our CONTACT page for booking and information.
This is Ryan's second headshot session with us within a month of each other! Why does he come to us for his headshots--REPEATED RESULTS!!! He is actively auditioning and traveling to Los Angeles for networking opportunities. This is what the modeling and acting industry demands--consistency, persistence and investment in yourself.
If you're looking to build your portfolio for modeling/acting, let us help you create the best images!! If you're new to modeling and consider yourself timid, we can coach you throughout the process. Fill out our CONTACT page for booking and information.
What a small world! Trinity so happens to be a Sacramento native. She recently moved to Hawaii from Sacramento with her boyfriend who is currently stationed in Hawaii for coastguard training. It's easy to take note that no matter where you point the camera in Hawaii, you have either a picturesque backdrop or something really "interesting" like the big-hanging undies shown in the first two images.
If you're looking to build your portfolio for modeling/acting, let us help you create the best images!! If you're new to modeling and consider yourself timid, we can coach you throughout the process. Fill out our CONTACT page for booking and information.
model: Paige | Honolulu, Hawaii
During my trip in Hawaii, I took advantage of the beautiful skies and seas and of course Paige's ocean-blue-eyes!!
If you're looking to build your portfolio for modeling/acting, let us help you create the best images!! If you're new to modeling and consider yourself timid, we can coach you throughout the process. Fill out our CONTACT page for booking and information.
Tabisola Wedding | Honolulu, Hawaii
It was a privilege to be able to photograph Cheryl and Structin's beautiful wedding in Honolulu, Hawaii in July. A beautiful couple! A beautiful family!! Joined together in the presence of God, family, and friends!!
If you have a destination wedding and/or planning on getting hitched in 2017/2018 and still haven't found a photographer, we are currently accepting limited wedding sessions this year. Rates start at $4,000 for 8 hours of coverage. Send us an e-mail today at Info@RyanAngelStudio.com (Subject: Weddings).
Above: Here is a recent project I did for realtor Ron Ortez. He wanted to showcase the house he was selling using video to really highlight the upgraded features as well as the characteristics of a grand space to entertain.
Realtor Headshots
BUY ONE SESSION, GET A SECOND SESSION FREE | Expires July 30, 2017 11:59pm Pacific Time
**Restrictions Apply**
Inquire at Info@RyanAngelStudio.com
Keep a close eye on this talented model, actor, stunt-actor, and fitness competitor--Ryan Rasberry. Images are from his recent headshot session with RyanAngelstudio.com. Check back for more sample headshots from his session. Subscribe to our blog for new content notifications.
Studio Buildout
[Update] The studio buildout is still in progress and recently I added a bike mount made by Ibera which I found on Amazon for like $30. The garage staining was done by Renova Concrete Design based out of Sacramento.
Recent published work for Wall Street Journal. (Click on the <- green link for the official article.) For video, work can be seen from Time: 00:00 to 00:34.
I recently traveled to Weaverville, California to photograph Robin Miller's newly purchased home. It was said that the home was built around the trees but interesting enough (you'll see in the gallery) it seems as though the trees begin to grow around the house. The home features old-school intercom systems, hidden closets, original oven, shaggy carpets and a bomb shelter!?!

Weaverville, California
Went to Weaverville, California for an assignment this past Tuesday which is a little more than 3 hours drive north on Interstate 5. Love how calm and scenic the town has to offer. It definitely has a small-town feel which I find attractive.
Camera: iPhone 6 Plus
Product Photography - Test and Ad Mock Up
A behind the scenes look of my new space that I'm working in to photograph wine bottles for a local winery. So stoked to be working with them and I look forward to creating the rest of their content for their website and social media.
If you have a business and need a fresh look for your website and/or social media, please e-mail us at RyanAngelStudio@gmail.com.
[Sacramento Magazine | February 2017]
For this assignment, I wanted to capture the "fun-ness" of Melissa Uroff, so I used vibrant and bold colors to match her personality.
For the January issue of Sacramento Magazine, I was able to meet and photograph the talented artist, Micah Crandall-Bear. Most of the time, the talent I'm photographing are usually busy and only have 15-30 minutes to shoot, however, for this shoot I was able to just relax and shoot in a variety of spaces that Micah had in his home. He definitely has great taste in furniture and decor which allowed for a beautiful lifestyle portrait.
Gear: Canon 5d Mark II, Canon 580 EXii (balanced with natural light), Westcott Apollo Octobox
As an editorial photographer, it is without any doubt you will come across a well-diverse group of individuals--from small-business owners to top executives. For the November (2016) issue of Sacramento Magazine, I photographed individuals in our Capitol Region that had great influence on the top topic of 2016--"Will marijuana be legal in California?"
niccolo de luca | townsend public affairs
Gear: Nikon D800, Tokina 16-28 (2.8), Canon 580 EXii speedlight (bounce flash)
In October (2016), I worked an assignment for Sacramento Magazine that allowed me the awesome opportunity to meet some big name artists in our community and they all were recently commissioned to create art for the new Golden 1 Center (Sacramento King's Arena). The artists include Bryan Valenzuela, Gale Hart, and (RCAF) Royal Chicano Air Force.
bryan valenzuela | GOLDEN 1 ARENA ARTIST
Gear: Nikon D800, Tokina 16-28 (2.8), Canon 580 EXii speedlight with Westcott Apollo Octobox
gale hart | golden 1 arena artist
Gear: Canon 5dMarkII, Canon 24-105, Canon 580 EXii speedlight with Westcott Apollo Octobox